Sounds harsh. But it's a billionaire life hack.

It's something Warren Buffet does that helps him surround himself with great people. Here's the scoop:

Buffet is known as being a good judge of character. But by his own words, that’s not true. The example he uses is that if you put him in a party full of 100 people, he could probably tell you if 3 of the attendees were solid and if 3 of them were shady, but he has no idea about all the other people.

He keeps the top 3% people close and makes new friends through them.

As for the rest of the 97% of people, he ignores them all. He treats the bottom 3% and all the people in the middle the same.

Sounds harsh, especially if you are a current (or in my case, recovering) people pleaser.

This hack saves you hours of wasted time and worries.

Those who are good for you, keep close.

Leave everyone else alone.

When you're not sure about someone…

Do you have the courage to just leave it alone?