In our last report, we predicted that the number of search fund acquisitions in 2019 would be on pace with the number of acquisitions in###-###-#### Our updated data indicates that our prediction was right on point, as the difference in search fund acquisitions between 2019 and 2018 was just three. With new operators being quite busy, there is also a lag between when acquisitions closed and when they are reported to us through our crowdsourced data. So, it's conceivable that acquisitions for 2019 will match or exceed###-###-#### Only time will tell.
We would like to quickly present information for 2020 as soon as possible. To provide even more accurate data for future reports, we're making a general call out to the search fund community to help us with crowdsourcing data on search funds, especially for the end of 2019 and the first half###-###-#### Please check your search fund's information for accuracy and update it as needed. If you're aware of someone else's new search fund or an acquisition that's not listed, please direct message me or ^Searchfunder member through Searchfunder.
To see the Annual Report: Search Fund Formations, click here.
* acquisition data collected as of 6/24/2020; subject to change.
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