Hey Folks! Colleague referred me to SearchFunder for guidance on this project.
For context...
— Sold a <$100k online business in late###-###-#### Began seeking online businesses to purchase.
— Enjoyed the process of searching / vetting deals for myself, though the prospect of operating wasn't appealing
— Asked "I wonder if I can do this sourcing/vetting thing for other people?"
— A few months ago, began creating reports on deals I've found at least worth investigating, like this: https://bit.ly/3cgmCVW
— Continued doing these free for friends, as practice. Plan is to make these reports available in a paid-newsletter format.
My questions are...
— Is there really a need for this? If so, what is my role technically called in M&A-Speak? Analyst/Appraiser/Something Else?
— What type of firms / individuals will benefit most from reports like these? Is it even worth doing for deals this small?
— What is missing from a report like this? I have zero formal training, coming from a background of operating; Not some MBA.
Appreciate anyone's feedback; I'm totally enraptured by this new vocation but have been struggling with where to take this whole "Analyst / Report-Making" thing.
Not sure where it belongs in the grand scheme of M&A and can use guidance more than anything. Appreciate your time.
The framework/formatting is helpful. Template itself could be monetized. You can also consider doing this "as a service", so, for $X you'd do this OR have a team do it for a searcher.
There is a need for this, and it would typically be done by the acquirer (analyst)
Useful to acquirer - provides quick overview and potentially can be used as part of any financing.
Financials are missing.