Hey everyone, I am writing a free newsletter about my search fund progress called Search Fund Insights.
I just wrote an edition on all the tools & databases I use to manage it, research and more!
Here is the article with more insights: https://searchfundinsights.substack.com/
Here is a complete list already:
Software-Tools Databases & Research: Market Research
IBIS - Free for students (our intern) + Limited free use through Searchfunder.com
Statista - Free for students (our intern)
Specialized local M&A boutiques / consultancies
Company Data / Longlists
Orbis Europe (Bureau van Dijk)
Bundesanzeiger (Germany only)
Company Websites
Search Fund Research / Networking / Experiences
Searchfunder.com (Obviously)
Internal Management Software & Tools Day-to-Day Management & Communication
Notion as CRM / To-Do Lists & Lifemanagement Probably one of the biggest game changers in this list
Microsoft 365
Teams for Calls / Communication
ThinkCell Plugin for MS Office
Financial Models
- Started with templates from PE times, developed from there...
Websites & Presentations
Investor Pitch Presentation: We have one presentation with our investment thesis and calculations - basically a streamlined PPM
Squarespace (Host for our website, currently rebuilding it in Webflow)
Pitch for potential target acquisitions (in PowerPoint + ThinkCell, specialized for each target industry)
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