Happy New Year! We can't get too far into 2022 without reflecting on the trends from 2021.

Below you'll find the Top 20 US Industries viewed by Searchfunder Members.

Did you look at any of these top industries? If so, was it for investment or curiosity purposes?

Landscaping Services in the US

Adult & Pornographic Websites

Home Care Providers in the US

HVAC Service Franchises

Business Process Outsourcing Services

3D Printer Manufacturing

3D Printing & Rapid Prototyping Services

Third-Party Logistics

Heating & Air-Conditioning Contractors in the US

IT Consulting in the US

Property Management in the US

Janitorial Services in the US

Remediation & Environmental Cleanup Services in the US

E-Commerce & Online Auctions in the US

In-Home Senior Care Franchises

Ambulance Services in the US

Accounting Services in the US

Packaging & Labeling Services in the US

Adult Day Care

Security Alarm Services in the US

Please feel free to reach out to me directly or by leaving a comment with any questions or feedback!