Hey team—
Newbie here. I'm looking for detailed spreadsheets (or a library of spreadsheets) on the search fund P&L structures and models. Best I've found is this: http://www.alyeskaintl.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/2020-Search-Fund-Economics.pdf – but, it's really thin on the details.
Not sure if there's a library on searchfunder.com or elsewhere, but would really appreciate not having to try to build from scratch something I somewhat understand.
Appreciate it!
Looking for spreadsheets to help me model out search funds over time
by a searcher from Hamilton College
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We maintain partnerships with database providers that make searching more effective, efficient and affordable along with features that help searchers find deals and investors and vice versa.
When I build models, I start with a tab for all of my assumptions. Everything references that dynamically. Then I model the income statement, BS, and CFS...Then you can build out your DCF...From there the cap structure, then the S&U. It follows logically...first you spread the financials, then you build the valuation, then you drop that valuation into your deal. Every lender is going to want to see your capitalization and S&U. Those are like the first two tables I look at to know exactly what you're trying to do, so building everything separately means you can copy-paste the tables right into PPT for your lender presentation (LP).