Folks, anyone worked with excellent / top notch SMB marketing agencies?
Would love to know which ones
In fact, I'd also probably want to know MORE about any SMB agencies and strategies that failed! What didn't work and why do you think that is so.
I am most interested in two areas :
1. Branding
Generally, how did an agency help with a new or rebrand.
2. Online marketing
Generally, how did an agency help grow your business
Happy to explain, but I am currently in the middle of using a lot of AI tools (design, SEO, etc) and getting curious about how to leverage these. A lot of interesting ideas are in how to streamline marketing efforts and could work for SMBs, but generally I think SMBs prefer a little face-to-face explanations and help and thus the diverse set of agencies for SMBs.
Holistic marketing strategy matters.
Many CEO's or Owners either fall in love or hate a certain channel. Either because a friend who is successful told them, or they experienced a scammy agency who put a bad taste in their mouth. Regardless, each respective channel has a role in digital marketing. Specifically I mean: PPC, SEO, Maps, Content, Video, Email, Social, OTT commercials (tv), direct mail.
The best strategy is your 24/7 salesmen, your website and ways in which inbound leads can come in. This is what has helped us grow and thrive in serving north of $100 million in SMB marketing. Again happy to talk more as this could be a book.