If you are searching for accounting firms to buy, then these are the upcoming conferences you absolutely should attend to meet firm owners with firms that are worth buying:

https://tri-merit.com/tucpa-conference-2023/ - In Chicago later this month and I'm speaking on a panel about M&A with two others involved in accounting M&A

https://thriveal.com/deeper-weekend/ - amazing content and focused on M&A this year

https://quickbooksconnect.com/ - one of the largest gathering of firm owners and accounting industry leaders in the country. It's in Vegas this year and absolutely fun - I will be speaking here on four sessions (2 panels, 2 lectures)

DM or contact me if you plan to attend any of these and I'll make sure to introduce you around (I'm serious - want you to feel absolutely welcome). My cell is###-###-#### if you want to call or text me.