My business partner and I are under LOI for a $2.5M deal. There is not a bank involved (cash + seller notes). These may be famous last words, but the relationship with the sellers is great and we anticipate few if any requested revisions to the Definitive Purchase Agreement that we propose.

Many of the quotes that we are getting to provide legal support for the Definitive Purchase Agreement seem to reflect either the need to draft an agreement from scratch or they anticipate a lot of back-and-forth and are pricing that in upfront.

In my mind, I would love to work with a lawyer who begins by leaning heavily on off-the-shelf templates that just need to be populated with the relevant data, offering this service in a way that keeps costs low if the deal does indeed stay simple. I am then more than willing to pay a premium for highly qualified advice when/where/if things get complicated.

If our deal turns out to be more complicated than expected, I'm more than willing to pay good money for a great legal advisor. But if it stays simple, I'm not excited to spend a lot for someone to populate a template with out deal data.

Does anyone have any relevant experience, advice, or referrals?

Note that my post focuses on the Definitive Purchase Agreement, but the sentiment applies to other aspects of legal diligence / transaction support.
