Looking for a buyer.
Our client is offering a unique and versatile anti-shoplifting technology for sale to the market. It is unlike any system currently in use. This technology is discrete, effective and very economical to use and install. The product is electronic merchandise or article-surveillance technology consisting of a detection device and a tag attached to the merchandise to be secured. The tech is patented intellectual property. The patents, trademarks and all intellectual property rights are included in the sale.
The detection device can be a mat, placed close to a store’s exit doors, or a wall-hung “poster” which can be hung above an exit door, in restrooms, fitting rooms, employee entrances, emergency exits, elevators, escalators and other interior store spaces. Both types of detection device are unobtrusive and hardly noticeable.
The items to be protected are secured by attaching a device or tag such as a bottle tag. When the tagged item comes into proximity with the mat detection device or poster style detection device, an alarm sounds. The tags can be used on numerous kinds of merchandise, such as electronics, laptop computers, clothing, liquor bottles and more.
The tag’s alarm sound can be heard as a subject with a tagged item approaches the detection device (exit mat or wall hung poster) 10 feet ahead of the device, and even outside the store, where turbo tags are audible 600 feet into the parking lot
The devices have been installed and tested at major retailers worldwide, in the US, India, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, and Europe.
This is a totally hidden system. Simply plug it in - no tuning required.
The system has higher detection rate than antennas and is far less costly than other Electronic Article Surveillance (EAS) devices.
The technology owner and patent holder is semi-retired and wishes to sell the technology, which is ready to go, to a buyer with the means to continue the upward trajectory of the business.
Our client owns all processes, and websites which they will transfer in full to a buyer.
NDA is required to secure the first round comprehensive Confidential Information Memorandum (CIM) crafted by ProNova Partners.
Detailed Information
Facilities: N/A
Financing: Seller will consider financing if the price and deal structure is right.
Support & Training: As needed – specific terms for transition support can be negotiated. The Seller wishes to facilitate a successful and smooth transfer of the Business.
Reason for Selling: To allow the business to rapidly expand world-wide.
listing type
exclusive representation
exclusive representation
St Paul, MN, USA
St Paul, MN, USA
proposed price
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