Hey all,

tldr question - what set of technical skills would you try to develop before opening a search fund? In other words - what are the no-loss places to invest career points vis a vis searching later in that career?

I'm in a position where I will likely work for ~2 years before searching. I have a good chance to choose what I work on and the skills I need to develop. My background is in consulting (financial services) > start-up (operations) in NYC. I've exited with some realized equity, trying to stay in NYC for the moment.

In particular curious:
* How important are accounting / M&A experience? Is this a must have or something that can be fractionalized?
* What skills are target independent vs target dependent (e.g. all searchers need some familiarity with strategy & general mgmt, e.g.)
* Are there non technical skill areas that I should be investing time? E.g. networking?

Would appreciate any views on this from the community - and I'm sure more questions coming!